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Describing settings lesson - ideal for cover

Describing settings lesson - ideal for cover

A whole lesson on worksheets, just print and teach - ideal for cover or when you're technology has failed. Includes differentiated objectives starter with extension on powerful verbs and adjectives - using a thesaurus to find synonyms main task: create sentences with synonyms in starter then peer assess (checklist included) Developmental task: Describe the image using ambitious vocab from previous activities and self assess
Descriptive and creative writing lessons - describing an attic

Descriptive and creative writing lessons - describing an attic

PPT for lessons to guide students through the description of a scene (an attic in an old house). The scene can then be used as part of a creative writing piece. Includes activities for the different parts of the lesson, differentiated objectives, peer assessment tasks and a plan for students to guide them through the writing process.
Openings, settings and titles in descriptive and creative writing

Openings, settings and titles in descriptive and creative writing

A set of worksheets aimed at improving the quality of writing by learning to write effective openings, titles and describe settings. Examples of openings and tasks to help students write their own. Images to aid students description of settings and a set of words to inspire titles. Aimed to encourage slow starters and prevent time wasting. Ideal for cover or homework too.
Analysing characters in An Inspector Calls

Analysing characters in An Inspector Calls

A starter and main activity based on the main characters in the play. Includes a matching activity and quotations to comment on. Useful phrases and vocabulary provided to support students. Space provided for answers simply photocopy and hand out!
Frankenstein - Symbolism Quotation Card Sort Lesson

Frankenstein - Symbolism Quotation Card Sort Lesson

An interactive group activity for students to learn about the symbols in the novel. Students cut out and sort quotation cards into the correct categories then discuss and make notes about what each symbol might represent. More able students aim to explain the effect on the reader. Includes, learning objectives, links to AOs, differentiated tasks, quotation and symbol cards and an answer sheet. Copy, cut and sort! No planning required!
Frankenstein Homework or pre-reading activities

Frankenstein Homework or pre-reading activities

Two task sheets to be used as pre-reading or homework activities to be used when studying the novel Frankenstein. Includes links to AOs Task 1 - Research and explore the different locations mentioned in the novel (good for cross-curricular links). This helps students to visualise the journeys of the characters as well as developing their geographical knowledge. Includes extension tasks and answers. Task 2 - Vocabulary task to enhance understanding of the language of 19th century texts. Tasks are easily marked as a class to save time.
William Blake 'The Tiger/Tyger' poem, tasks and answers

William Blake 'The Tiger/Tyger' poem, tasks and answers

A comprehensive set of tasks for students to understand and analyse the poem. All tasks are differentiated using stars (*-All, **- Most, ***-Some) and extension tasks are provided for more able students/early finishers. Alternatively, they could be set for homework. A handy copy of the poem is provided, as well as answers to the questions, which could be displayed for self/peer assessment.
La Belle Dame Sans Merci poem and worksheets

La Belle Dame Sans Merci poem and worksheets

The poem and a summary of the content are provided, as well as some brief notes on the form and structure. Teacher answers to questions are added on a separate word document to display and have students mark if required. Tasks include an image based quotation search, questions of increasing difficulty about the content of the poem to encourage close reading and various activities related to form, structure and tone. Learning objectives are included and there is also a glossary and extension tasks at the end.
Essay plan - poetry comparison

Essay plan - poetry comparison

A detailed guide for students to work through the poetry comparison essay. Structured into paragraphs with a clear description of what should be included.
Victor Frankenstein Character Analysis & Essay Guide

Victor Frankenstein Character Analysis & Essay Guide

A whole lesson on the character analysis of Victor Frankenstein. Starter consists of a list of adjectives to describe Victor and a range of quotations. Students select appropriate adjectives to link to the quotes. Main activity explores in-depth analysis of two quotations of their choice from the starter with space for language analysis too. This provides a practise for essay writing in following activity. Essay title and essay guide given for students to plan their essay. Essay structure is outlined including optional starting sentences for both the introduction and conclusion.
Persuasive Writing Task - Persuade a friend to visit your area GCSE English Exam Preparation

Persuasive Writing Task - Persuade a friend to visit your area GCSE English Exam Preparation

This task is highly differentiated as students are provided with a planning sheet, which reminds them to use persuasive devices and outlines ideas for each paragraph. There is a sample introductory paragraph, reminders, word-bank and sentence starters for less able students, as well as extension tasks for the more able. There is a matching task for a lesson starter with an 'add your own example' column and extension for more able or early finishers. Teacher answers are also included and can be displayed. The answers are colour-coded for students to self-mark. A PowerPoint presentation outlines all tasks and includes a peer assessment task for the end and also includes differentiated objectives.